CONCERT: Schroothoop @ AB

Concert: Schroothoop performing in Ancienne Belgique
In december 2023, Schroothoop performed along other bands LũpḁGangGang and Kau during a Label night around Ghent's quality jazz label Sdban in the legendary Brussels concert venue Ancienne Belgique.
The instrumentarium of Rik Staelens, Margo Maex and Timo Vantyghem consists of everything they can find in the streets of Brussels: construction site buckets, PVC tubes, tin cans, clotheslines, pots, pans… you name it. With their self-made instruments they create a danceable, unique, sultry and at times meditative sound.
Their second album Macadam came out on Sdban Records and was showered with rave reviews. De Standaard stated: “Echoes from the Afro-Cuban jazz and Arabic music, hybrid electronic sounds derived from dub and ambient music. A world of sound that feels metropolitan as it connects West with East, North and South with limitless creativity. schroothoop combines the sound and the identity of the concrete jungle.” Nice.
- Band: Schroothoop / FB - IG
- Event: All Things Sdban with schroothoop, LũpḁGangGang & KAU / December 6th, 2023
- Location: Ancienne Belgique / AB Club / Brussels
- Camera: Olympus Pen-F (digital)
- Lens: M.Zuiko 17mm f/1.8 & 45mm f/1.8